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Thursday, 4 August 2016

Kawartha Lakes Heat Warning - Keep Cool Tips!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks: Are You Keeping Cool? 

City of Kawartha Lakes just issued a news release in response to the Environment Canada Heat Warning for our area for August 4 and 5, 2016.
Although some people in City of Kawartha Lakes have access to the facilities recommended for keeping cool, by the local government, there are many people in our rural area who are not so fortunate. In addition, in other communities when a heat warning is issued, some public air conditioned buildings are designated as cooling centres and opened to the public 24-7. This is not the case in City of Kawartha Lakes.
This post has some keeping cool tips from our local health unit, as well as links to past keeping cool posts.
If you can get to one of the facilities listed when it is open, please check and see if there are neighbours who might be grateful for a lift to get out of the heat as well.
In addition to the places listed by City of Kawartha Lakes below, many local churches are air conditioned.
See this list of Kawartha Lakes Church telephone numbers and call them to check for extended hours.
Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay is open 24-7 and would probably prefer you avoid heat stroke by visiting them, than visiting them on a stretcher via ambulance.
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Heat Warning Press Release Shows No Extra Efforts To Assist in Heat by City of Kawartha Lakes

RELEASE August 3, 2016 For Immediate Release

Environment Canada issues Heat Warning for Kawartha Lakes 

KAWARTHA LAKES— Environment Canada is warning of high temperatures and humid weather on August 4 and 5. Heat warnings are issued by Environment Canada when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to post an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Kawartha Lakes offers plenty of options to stay cool during the hot weather, including:

  •  6 Service Centres – Stop by one of the City’s air-conditioned facilities. For operating hours, view the Service Centres webpage. 
  • 15 Libraries – Visit one of the many libraries located throughout City of Kawartha Lakes. For operating hours, please visit the Libraries webpage. While you are there, check out the many services they have to offer. 
  • Beaches –Beach locations are listed on www.explorekawarthalakes.com. Before swimming at any of the local beaches, first check with the Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes Pine Ridge District Health Unit or call 1-866-888-4577 to ensure that the beach is safe for swimming. 
  • Indoor Pools – Residents can cool down in one of the City’s two indoor pools located in Lindsay and Bobcaygeon
  • Splash Pads – The City has two splash pads located in Lindsay at Elgin Park – 162 Angeline Street North and the other in Bobcaygeon at Tommy Anderson Park, 94 Dunn Street. Pack some drinks, snacks, sunscreen and make an afternoon of it. 
Since , once again, City of Kawartha Lakes has not designated any cooling centres to be open 24-7, how can people keep cool?
Halliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit Emergency Preparedness offers the following advice.

Health Unit Heat Beating Tips

To beat the heat, the Health Unit advises local residents to take the following precautions:

  • Avoid outdoor sports activities or moderately intense physical activity
  • Check-in with vulnerable family, friends, acquaintances, clients -
  • Drink lots of water and natural fruit juices even if you don’t feel very thirsty 
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee and cola 
  • Avoid going out in the sun or heat when possible. If outside, stay in the shade and plan to go out early in the morning or evening when it is cooler. 
  • Go to air conditioned facilities (shopping malls, libraries, community centres or a friend’s) 
  • Keep shades, drapes, and blinds closed on the sunny side of your home, but keep windows slightly open - if you do not have air conditioning – use fans 
  • Keep lights off or turned down low 
  • Wear loose fitting, light clothing and a wide brimmed hat 
  • Take a cool bath or shower periodically or cool down with cool, wet towels 
  • Avoid heavy meals and using your oven. 
How are you going to keep cool?
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