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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Bears Lair Welcomes Kawartha Lakes Submissions!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Have you entered The Bears' Lair Competition? 

The Bears' Lair loosely based on The Dragon's Den, allows local entrepreneurs to present their business before a panel of judges where they can vie for tge opportunity to win business services to help their business succeed. 

Deadline? Tomorrow - March 20, 2013 at 4 pm . There is no cost to enter ,so start typing your entry, and get that camera rolling! If you aren't in you can't win! 

What You Can Win

The Competition prize consists of cash and business services valued at $20,000

What Is Bear's Lair? 

The Bears Lair Entrepreneurial Competition is in the style of CBC's The Dragons' Den and is developed by the Workforce Development Board, located in Peterborough, Ontario. The competition was created to encourage entrepreneurship and small business development in the cities of Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, and counties of Northumberland, Peterborough and Haliburton.

How The Bears' Lair Competition Works

Entrepreneurs from the above areas will be able to enter via  The Bears' Lair Facebook page. . The competition provides budding entrepreneurs with the chance to present their business ideas to a panel of local judges. 7 finalists will be chosen to compete in the grand finale on April 23, 2013. Tickets for Bear's Lair 2013 are on sale at the Market Hall Box Office in Peterborough Ontario. Organized by the Workforce Development Board, the Bears' Lair Entrepreneurial Competition is directed by a committee of individuals from a variety of local businesses and organizations.

 For more information and to submit your 2 min video and 2-page summary by 4:00 p.m. on March 20, 2013 email bearslair@wdb.ca or visit www.bearslair.ca.

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