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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Opportunity Knocks! Free Blogger Giveaway Opportunity!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Check Out This Free Giveaway Opportunity! 

Want to try taking part in a giveaway, but not need a fabulous prize? Here is an opportunity to take part in a giveaway for free.
Update: This giveaway is Live! See  $500 Giveaway Frenzy 

Why Take Part in Group Giveaways?

image Jenns Blah blah BlogGiveaway prizes
Giveaway Prizes Jenns Blah Blah Blog
Why would you want to take part in a group giveaway? Taking part in a group giveaway can help you attract more viewers through multiple channels, and often a group is able to offer a larger prize. In this group giveaway,  you can get your choice of a FREE Twitter or Pinterest link if you post an announcement post like this one in advance of the Giveaway. Don't want to post an announcement? You can take part by purchasing links in the giveaway. This Giveaway is going to be open world wide and feature a $500 gift certificate of the winners choice. 

Free Group Giveaway :Jenn's Blah Blah Blog

Jenn's Blah Blah Blog and Pink Ninja Media would love for you to join them in a FREE Blogger Opportunity!
Sign up now for the $500 Bloggy Have It Your Way Giveaway! Grow you're readership, don't miss out on this awesome giveaway.
This giveaway opportunity was featured on Lean On Us , if you decide to take part  please tell Jenn Kawartha Laes Mums sent you, and leave a comment on this post letting everyone know you are taking part. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Update just arrived on this Giveaway :
    Have It Your Way Giveaway Date Change
    Hi everyone, I have to move the date of the giveaway to the 31st or the 1st, depending on how much time I am able to spend online. It will be no later than the 1st, I am thinking the 31st will be just fine. My daughter got really sick this last week and I have not been able to get online much. Now, my other daughter is starting to get sick I hope all of you can understand. Thanks bunches, I looking forward to a fun giveaway.
    I think we can all identify with this! Hope her family us back in the pink soon!


Thanks for reading!
We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.

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