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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Kawartha Lakes Mums Celebrates 1st International Happiness Day! Join In!

Kawartha Lakes Mums International Happiness Day Video Challenge

Kawartha Lakes Mums Friends - Did you know today is the First International Day of Happiness? If you were surprised we were too! 

Kawartha Lakes Mums Wants to Share Your International Day of Happiness Activities

Each Wednesday, Kawartha Lakes Mums shares International happiness on Welcome Wednesday  welcoming friends from around the world to connect with us, sharing their Family friendly links, and discovering a bit about our corner of the world  through link exhanges -kind of informal 'Connect with Kawartha Lakes' Today is a very special Welcome Wednesday! 
image banner InternationalDay of Happiness
Today is the First International Day of Happiness, as declared by the United Nations, how fitting for  The First Day of Spring! How are you celebrating this very special Day? Please share your activities with us. 
On Twitter? Tweet #happyday @KawarthaMums

KawarthaMumsTV Sharing International Day Of Happines Videos

We hope you will join with us in a video challenge and interview folks in your corner of the World about their International Day of Happiness Activities. When you upload your video, please share your link to your International Day of Happiness Video in the comments below. We will add any relevant Family Friendly YouTube Videos of our Subscribers, Twitter Followers and Facebook Fans to a new YouTube List - 'Kawartha Mums Celebrating International Happiness Day With Our Friends' on our Kawartha Mums TV YouTube Channel

Here is where we shared our  First International Day of Happiness plans on Chatelaine in the comments.
Here is where you can join in all the International Happiness Day Fun! 
  • Take the pledge
  • Cheer on Your International Day of Happiness Heroes
  • Share your International Day of Happiness Activities
Here is our Kawartha Lakes Mums Welcome Wednesday Event on Facebook 

Happy Internatinal Day of Happiness! 

Be sure to subscribe to Kawartha Lakes Mums to stay in the loop! Visit us on Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Page, Kawartha Mums Twitter, and Check out Kawartha Lakes Mums Youtube for Insider Secrets

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