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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Policies

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Policies

Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes everyone to join in the conversation on Facebook. Here we attempt to clarify policies which are meant to increase connections, and ROI for everyone.. We welcome your questions and comments about Facebook. Please leave a comment below. Topics include:
  • Fans Posting to Kawartha Lakes Mums
  • Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Giveaways
  • Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Admins
  • Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Post Scheduling

Please like our page as an individual, and post as yourself. We do not endorse any accounts that are in conflict with the Privacy Act, or Facebook Policies. If you have mistakenly created a profile for your business, as many people do, rather than a page, you will be sent instructions to help you remedy the situation to help you keep from losing everything when Facebook runs a random clean up.  We cannot share posts from accounts that not in good standing.

Kawartha Lakes Fans Posting to Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Page. 

Fans from City of Kawartha Lakes

Every day, Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook welcomes all individual City of Kawartha Lakes fans in good standing with Facebook policies  to post family-friendly  links on our Facebook page. 

International Fans 

Individual Fans from outside City of Kawartha Lakes are welcome to post relevant links in response  to the daily pinned topict. 

If your link fits Kawartha Lakes Mums editorial policies, and we would like to ensure it does not slide off our page, you may be asked to add it to a specific link list, so everyone can find it more easily. 

Posting As Page

If you post as a page, you will be requested to repost as an individual, and given the opportunity to remove the post yourself - if we need to remove it, Facebook automatically creates a spam alert.

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Giveaways

Giveaways posted on Kawartha Lakes Mums are run on a thirdparty APP, and in no way connected with Facebook, in accordance with Facebook.Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes opportnities to host and co-Host Giveaways .

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Posts

Kawartha Lakes Mums Blog Posts publish automatically to Facebook. In addition, we attempt to share the following posts daily in rotation:  
  • Daily Theme Announcement Pinned to top of Page.
  • 2 Facebook posts from runners up in our Weekly Facebook Shout Out Giveaway.
  • Facebook Post from City of Kawartha Lakes.
  • Facebook Admin Choice of blog post.
  • Designated Sponsored post from our blog.
  • Winner of our Weekly Facebook Banner Shoutout Ad.
  • Post of one of our giveaways, or events
  • Facebook Admin choice of 2 Facebook posts from our 'liked' pages.
  • Blog post of the winner of our monthly Winning Web World Wednesday Deluxe Banner Ad, 

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Admins

Kawartha Lakes Mums Facebook Volunteer Admins  are rewarded by being able to share a post from their own page or site every 5 th posting. Facebook Admins must sign their posts. When Posting to Facebook admins need to  remember to include at least 120 characters before your name. If you are enthusiastic about promoting City of Kawartha Lakes, and you would like to be a Facebook Volunteer Admin, message Suzanne through Kawartha Lakes Mums Page.

Kawartha Lakes Mums Thematic Scheduling:

Mondays :alternate weekly between Meatless Monday, Music Monday, Marketing Monday.
Tuesdays: Tasty Tuesdays, Twitter Tuesdays.
Wednesdays: Wellness Wednesdays,
Thursdays: Thankful Thursdays
Fridays:  Furiday when we share pet related posts.
Saturdays: Savings Saturdays - Thrifty tips, Freebies,Coupons, Deals,and Giveaways
Sundays: Satisfying Sundays - Sports, Recipes, Church News Bulletins, Movie Reviews, Book Reviews, 

Be sure to subscribe to Kawartha Lakes Mums to stay in the loop! Visit us on Kawartha LakesMums Facebook Page, Kawartha Mums Twitter, and Check out Kawartha Lakes Mums Youtube for Insider Secrets

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We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.

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